Explore the Interconnectedness of Art and Life at AC2 Studio

“My artworks explore the interconnectedness between us and the earth, the cycle of life, and my dreams. I’ve always had a strong connection to nature, always wanting to be outside, curious about the animals and plant life around me; a source of inspiration for my artworks and poems. I trace stories back to my Philippine heritage, history, and sciences to create a better understanding of the world around me while creating storytelling elements in my paintings.”

This was inspired by the time I found a black cat in the forest. I began feeding her every day and although she didn't show up most of the time, by the next day, her food was always gone. After two months, a stranger caught her and we took her to the animal shelter together. After a few weeks passed by, I got to take this cat I named Buwan home and she has been living with me ever since. Traces of Buwan's paw prints are seen on the top part of the painting, as well as sketches and fossil remains to imitate those found in Chauvet Cave 32,000 years ago. Gestural marks of the big bang explosion cover the midground with all its particles floating through space, while traces of the past are mixed in with the present to show that what is gone is never lost. The particles from the Big Bang are still present around us today and remain in constant flux in the great dance of the cycle of life.

After the Big Bang by Angelica Candido, 52"x65" in on canvas. Acrylic paint, oil paint, oil pastel, modeling paste, harvested walnut shell. 2023

After the Big Bang

52"x65" in on canvas. Acrylic paint, oil paint, oil pastel, modeling paste, harvested walnut shell. 2023

Primordial Soup is a painting that imagines the idea of creation. The "Primordial Soup" refers to how life came to be, starting from the early Earth's oceans filled with organic molecules. The painting has a circle in the center, which can be seen as a microcosm of the painting. The microcosm is a representation of the tiny parts that make up the painting. At the same time, the circle also symbolizes the macrocosm of the universe by showing the vastness of the universe and the complexity of creation.

Primordial Soup by Angelica Candido

Painting evolution:

Primordial Soup by Angelica Candido
Primordial Soup by Angelica Candido, 30"x40" in on canvas. Acrylic paint, oil paint, branches, plants, modeling paste, gloss varnish. 2023.

Primordial Soup

30"x40" in on canvas. Acrylic paint, oil paint, branches, plants, modeling paste, gloss varnish. 2023.

After having lost someone close in my life, my quest for the truth came about; an existential loophole that made me long for answers on spirituality, dreams, and the nature of being. While exploring my Philippine culture and stories from the past, I wanted to depict an ancestor standing strong in the center with nature surrounding her since the Philippines is known for its stunning landscapes. There's hidden symbolism and inspiration derived from my dreams throughout this painting such as the crocodile, a sacred animal for the ancient Tagalog people as it was believed they carry the soul of a deceased person from the middle world into their either Maca (a place where good spirits go-similar to heaven) or Kasanaan (a place where evil spirits go-similar to hell).

Window to the Soul by Angelica Candido, 52"x65" in on canvas. Oil paint, acrylic paint, oil pastel, modeling paste. 2023.

Window to the Soul

52"x65" in on canvas. Oil paint, acrylic paint, oil pastel, modeling paste. 2023.

My artworks involve introspection and analysis of the various ideas in my mind then expressing them outwardly. Because of this, the woman in the imagery closes her eyes and contemplates. The figure is fading into the background to represent a memory that can't be quite seen or grasped. Similar to vivid dreams in the past that seemed real that I begin to wonder whether it was a dream or if it was real. The copper paint in the background works with the sun to provide luminosity that also accentuates the vibrancy of the colors of the insects around the figure.

Contemplation by Angelica Candido, 8”x10” in on paper. Oil paint, acrylic paint, pencil crayon, modeling paste. 2023.


8”x10” in on paper. Oil paint, acrylic paint, pencil crayon, modeling paste. 2023.

Fantasy and reality

lost between the two

When this world seems dream-like

it creates something new.

Full of different universes

millions of atoms in the sand.

We hold the wonders of the stars

in the palm of our hand.

Lost in Dreamland by Angelica Candido,  24"x18" in acrylic on canvas. 2022.

Lost in Dreamland

24"x18" in acrylic on canvas. 2022.

This is an ongoing original series that will be used for the art poetry book. For purchases or inquiries about the artwork, please use the contact form.